KiAsili (kee-aah-slee) is the practice of returning to where it all began, to an authentic natural hair tradition that yielded benefits for our Afro-textured foremothers.
It's derived from the Bantu root word -asili (aah-slee) which loosely translates to indigenous, of native origin or source.

KiAsili Naturals
We combine a top selection of indigenous African oils to boost your moisturizing regimen for better length retention.
We ease your struggles of detangling, moisture retention and getting past shoulder length.
We save you time, money and effort spent on natural hair care or DIYs.
Your purchase economically empowers the African women who harvest and prepare our oils.
A portion of our monthly proceeds go to Black girl STEM education and mentorship programs.
We are Black woman-owned and proudly prioritizing our 4c sistahs in the natural hair care industry.